Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • als een individuele eigenaardigheid, typische eigenschap of karaktertrek van een zaak of persoon.
  • peculiar to the individual
"we all have our own idiosyncratic gestures"
"Michelangelo's highly idiosyncratic style of painting"


  1. Liquidity horizons shall reflect actual practice and experience during periods of both systematic and idiosyncratic stresses.
  2. The scenario applied combines the impact of an idiosyncratic shock linked to Dexia and the consequences of a general liquidity crisis.
  3. it captures name-related basis risk, namely institutions shall demonstrate that the internal model is sensitive to material idiosyncratic differences between similar but not identical positions;
  4. The stress test horizon is one month. The scenario applied combines the impact of an idiosyncratic shock linked to Dexia and the consequences of a general liquidity crisis.
  5. it captures name-related basis risk, that is institutions shall demonstrate that the internal model is sensitive to material idiosyncratic differences between similar but not identical positions; and
  6. the symptoms observed in humans shall also be typical of those that would be produced in the exposed population rather than being an isolated idiosyncratic reaction or response triggered only in individuals with hypersensitive airways.