Betekenis van:
in question

in question
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • waarover gesproken wordt; zich voordoend
  • open to doubt or suspicion





  1. His success is in question.
  2. The question is left in abeyance.
  3. He succeeded in solving the question.
  4. Let's be frank in this question.
  5. The question was posed in English.
  6. That is not the point in question.
  7. He nodded in response to my question.
  8. Examine the question in its entirety.
  9. She nodded in response to my question.
  10. The question was discussed in detail.
  11. He answered my question in the negative.
  12. I question whether he'll come in time.
  13. When energy supplies are in question all that depends on them is also in question.
  14. The person in question is now staying in America.
  15. Just then the two in question arrived at school.