Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • proces van fermentatie
  • a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • aanvuring
  • an act of urging on or spurring on or rousing to action or instigating
"the incitement of mutiny"



Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • needed encouragement




    Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • the act of exhorting; an earnest attempt at persuasion




      Zelfstandig naamwoord
        • something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to action





        1. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against all types of discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to any form of discrimination.
        2. Incitement to violence.
        3. Public incitement to racial hatred
        4. Public incitement to racial discrimination
        5. Incitement, aiding and abetting and attempt
        6. Responsible for the disinformation campaign and incitement to inter-community hatred and violence.
        7. Member States shall ensure by appropriate means that audiovisual media services provided by media service providers under their jurisdiction do not contain any incitement to hatred based on race, sex, religion or nationality.
        8. Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to make incitement to commit, aiding and abetting or attempting one of the offences referred to in Article 2 a criminal offence.
        9. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1624 (2005) calls upon States to take measures that are necessary and appropriate, and in accordance with their obligations under international law, to prohibit by law incitement to commit terrorist act or acts and to prevent such conduct.
        10. Such action should strike a balance between the protection of individual rights on the one hand and freedom of expression on the other, in particular with respect to Member States' responsibility for defining the notion of incitement to hatred or discrimination in accordance with their national legislation and moral values.
        11. The report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations ‘Uniting against terrorism: recommendations for a global counter-terrorism strategy’ of 27 April 2006, interprets the above-mentioned Resolution as providing for a basis for the criminalisation of incitement to terrorist acts and recruitment, including through the Internet.
        12. public policy, in particular the prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of criminal offences, including the protection of minors and the fight against any incitement to hatred on grounds of race, sex, religion or nationality, and violations of human dignity concerning individual persons,
        13. The Community has already intervened in the field of audiovisual and information services in order to create the necessary conditions to ensure the free movement of television broadcasts and other information services, in compliance with the principles of free competition and freedom of expression and information, but it should act with greater determination in this area with the aim of adopting measures to protect consumers from incitement to discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation and of combating any such discrimination.
        14. Article 1(3) of this Convention defines a ‘terrorist act’ as ‘any act which is a violation of the criminal laws of a State Party and which may endanger the life, physical integrity or freedom of, or cause serious injury or death to, any person, any number or group of persons or causes or may cause damage to public or private property, natural resources, environmental or cultural heritage and is calculated or intended to:i) intimidate, put in fear, force, coerce or induce any government, body, institution, the general public or any segment thereof, to do or abstain from doing any act, or to adopt or abandon a particular standpoint, or to act according to certain principles; orii) disrupt any public service, the delivery of any essential service to the public or to create a public emergency; oriii) create general insurrection in a State.’The definition in this Article also covers the financing of terrorism, insofar as it includes ‘any promotion, sponsoring, contribution to, command, aid, incitement, encouragement, attempt, threat, conspiracy, organizing, or procurement of any person, with the intent to commit any act referred to in [the preceding] paragraph.’