Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • niet ervaren; jong
  • lacking practical experience or training



  1. He's young, naive and inexperienced.
  2. She's young, naive and inexperienced.
  3. The problem is that she is inexperienced.
  4. Tom is still young and inexperienced.
  5. He is young and inexperienced, but quite enterprising.
  6. They look down on us as inexperienced young men.
  7. Con artists take advantage of the credulity of inexperienced investors and swindle them out of their money.
  8. An inexperienced stock speculator could easily let his business go to pot and lose his entire fortune.
  9. Procedures are established, acceptable to the Authority, to prevent the crewing together of inexperienced flight crew members;
  10. procedures are established, acceptable to the Authority, to prevent the crewing together of inexperienced flight crew members;
  11. Those practices are therefore detrimental to the welfare of pigs, especially when carried out by incompetent and inexperienced persons.
  12. Effective communication and coordination between all crew members including the flight crew as well as inexperienced cabin crew members, cultural differences
  13. They will often do this by taking a seat on the board, and may contribute significant time and effort to providing management support, especially where a business’ management team is relatively inexperienced.
  14. Finally, having invested in a business, equity investors need to monitor the ongoing performance of their investment. They will often do this by taking a seat on the board, and may contribute significant time and effort to providing management support, especially where a business’ management team is relatively inexperienced.
  15. According to the expert consulted by the Commission, Italy has not come forward with convincing information as regards the organisation and resources to be set up at ATSM's dry dock and he strongly doubts that a yard, mainly used for ship repair and inexperienced in cruise vessels, could be turned into a fully organised yard able to deliver a cruise vessel within a tight deadline.