Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • op de hoogte
  • having much knowledge or education
"an informed public"
"informed opinion"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • goed op de hoogte
  • having much knowledge or education
"an informed public"
"informed opinion"



  1. I wasn't informed.
  2. Has Tom been informed?
  3. Keep me informed.
  4. Please keep me informed.
  5. Tom will keep you informed.
  6. I informed her of my arrival.
  7. Keiko informed him of her safe arrival.
  8. The police informed us of the accident.
  9. She informed him of her arrival.
  10. I informed her about the success.
  11. It's important that I be informed immediately.
  12. He is a well informed person.
  13. I informed Tom of my decision.
  14. She informed her parents of her success.
  15. The police informed us about the incident.