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  1. She tried to lessen her expenses.
  2. We had to lessen the impact of the erratic supplies.
  3. Even your faults do not lessen my respect for you, and in friendship this is what counts.
  4. When you are cheerful, books can increase your happiness; when you are sad, books can lessen your sorrow.
  5. In such cases, the logical point provided by the system will simplify the task and lessen the workload.
  6. In view of this, it was argued, there had been cause to lessen the burden on those undertakings temporarily by introducing a fiscal incentive.
  7. The granting of authorisation shall not lessen the general civil and criminal liability of any food business operator in respect of the food concerned.
  8. In this case, State aid may be necessary, to lessen the burden on the most affected undertakings and thereby enable EFTA States to adopt national environmental regulation that is stricter than Community standards.
  9. Point 38 of the restructuring guidelines provides that, in order for restructuring aid to be authorised by the Commission, compensatory measures must be taken to lessen the adverse effects of the aid on trading conditions.
  10. It was intended that these MIPs, applied over a transitional period, would help lessen the economic impact of the anti-dumping measures for importers and particularly end users in the EU-10 during the period following enlargement.
  11. The time period that wet, freshly harvested grain is kept piled or heaped prior to drying or cleaning should be as brief as possible to lessen the risk of fungal growth.
  12. The State would buy from the company all assets that were not elemental to the production and operation, to lessen the operational costs and make the operation of the company viable.’
  13. machinery in which an emergency stop device would not lessen the risk, either because it would not reduce the stopping time or because it would not enable the special measures required to deal with the risk to be taken,
  14. Provided that certain conditions are fulfilled, multiple-entry visas should be issued in order to lessen the administrative burden of Member States’ consulates and to facilitate smooth travel for frequent or regular travellers.
  15. Moreover, the plan is not a restructuring plan capable of modifying the structure of France Télécom with a view to improving its profitability, but is limited to increasing the Company's liquidity so as to lessen the impact of its current difficulties.