Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • tijd dat iem. leeft of geleefd heeft, het totaal aantal levensjaren
  • the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • levensduur
  • the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)





  1. Life is short and time is swift.
  2. I had the time of my life.
  3. As time goes on, my life gets worse and worse.
  4. I visited Rome for the first time in my life.
  5. The best time of life is when you are young.
  6. The best time of life is when we are young.
  7. His life is a neverending race against time.
  8. I'm happy for the first time in life.
  9. Being on time is a symptom of a boring life.
  10. Life being very short, we ought not to waste time.
  11. Even if life is lonely free time, it endures it.
  12. It was the happiest time of my life.
  13. When I look back on my life, I realize how much time I wasted.
  14. Love, which is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone at some time in their life.
  15. It takes a lot of time getting used to married life.