Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • tijd dat men werkt
  • duration of service
"her longevity as a star"
"had unusual longevity in the company"



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • rangorde naar dienstjaren
  • the property of being long-lived




  1. The carp's longevity is unmolested by the turmoil of the millipede.
  2. There have been many revolutions over the last century, but perhaps none as significant as the longevity revolution.
  3. When fertility, calving aptitude and longevity are being evaluated, they must be assessed on the basis of data on fertilisation (for example, non-returnrate), calving score and on functional age (for example, stayability, culling age, length of productive life), respectively.
  4. However, parameters such as viability, longevity, distribution, growth, differentiation and migration shall be investigated, unless otherwise duly justified in the application on the basis of the type of product concerned.
  5. Taking account of national legislation, activities will aim to complement the existing actions by improving cooperation with domain name registries in Member States, and encouraging positive relationships with registries outside the EU to enable earlier detection of potentially illegal content and minimise the longevity of websites known to offer child sexual abuse content.
  6. Conventional pharmacokinetic studies to investigate absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion shall not be required. However, parameters such as viability, longevity, distribution, growth, differentiation and migration shall be investigated, unless otherwise duly justified in the application on the basis of the type of product concerned.
  7. Although such longevity (76 years) is no guarantee of the scheme's permanence or of its compliance with the state aid rules, it may have given beneficiaries the impression that a tax scheme closely bound up with their activities would not be terminated all of a sudden and that they could reasonably expect those activities to continue.
  8. Insofar as this user implied that the alleged longevity of (i) the restricted Chinese exports and (ii) the allegedly high level of profitability of the Community industry negates the justification of imposing anti-dumping measures, it is noted firstly that while it is true that the Chinese Government has put in place measures that discourage the export of energy-intensive materials, no information is available to draw conclusions on the permanence of these measures.