Betekenis van:
make as if

to make as if
    • begin or appear to begin an action



    make as if


    1. If you can't make it, call us as soon as possible.
    2. As for the first questionnaire, the Commission intends to make use of the ReportNet platform (or its successor if this is the case) to make available to Member States an Electronic Reporting Tool based on this questionnaire.
    3. Product information should make it clear if special skills are required to use the system as intended by the manufacturer or if the product is unsuitable for particular users.
    4. analytical methods if requested in accordance with Annexes IX or X which make it possible to detect a dangerous substance when discharged into the environment as well as to determine the direct exposure of humans.
    5. If the contribution had not been recognised as being in full discharge of its liabilities, La Poste would have had to make provision for the corresponding liabilities in the balance sheet as of 2007.
    6. Even if the State does not make payments under the guarantee granted, aid exists within the meaning of Article 87(1) of the Treaty as soon as the guarantee is offered.
    7. If a competent authority approves a third country CIU as eligible, as set out in point 77(a), then a competent authority in another Member State may make use of this recognition without conducting its own assessment.
    8. If the European Parliament postpones the decision giving a discharge, the Commission shall make every effort to take measures, as soon as possible, to remove or facilitate removal of the obstacles to that decision.
    9. In contrast, if the instruments in question do not constitute new aid, the Authority cannot under the present procedure make a binding assessment as to whether they instead constitute existing aid within Article 61(1) EEA. Nor can the Authority make a binding assessment as to whether such existing aid measures would be compatible with the Agreement.
    10. However, structuring securities to appeal to a particular type of investor risks the possibility of loss of liquidity if the market moves in such a way as to make the structured features of the issue no longer attractive.
    11. In contrast, if the instruments in question do not constitute new aid, the Authority cannot under the present procedure make a binding assessment as to whether they instead constitute existing aid within Article 61(1) EEA.
    12. But even if, exceptionally and for reasons not clear to the Commission, the situation here were different, it would not make sense for BGB to sell Berliner Bank as an independent bank.
    13. The Commission, following consultation with relevant stakeholders, shall, as soon as possible, make a proposal, if appropriate, to amend the Commission Regulation on test methods adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 133(4), and the Annexes of this Regulation, if relevant, so as to replace, reduce or refine animal testing.
    14. If neither the Commission nor other Member States make a request under the second subparagraph, the Member State in question may approve the additional regions for seed production as notified.
    15. Similarly, if an entity has a firm commitment to make a purchase in a foreign currency of CU100 and a firm commitment to make a sale in the foreign currency of CU90, it can hedge the net amount of CU10 by acquiring a derivative and designating it as a hedging instrument associated with CU10 of the firm purchase commitment of CU100.