Betekenis van:
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- the greatest or most complete or best possible
"maximal expansion"
- temperature (average, minimal and maximal),
- Note: The standard solutions can be stored for maximal 1 week at ca. 5 °C.
- Total quantity of lamps processed in any period of 24 hours: Maximal 3 tonnes Mercury concentration in emissions ≤ 50 μg/m3
- It was also found that the physical characteristic of thickness is not limited to 0,10 mm which was the maximal thickness mentioned in the notice of initiation.
- As far as the annual statistics on capacity are concerned, the maximal possible production of Coke in Slovakia in 2003 was 12000 tonnes.
- The Icelandic authorities have proposed general maximal aid ceilings for all the areas covered by the regional aid map to be 15 % GGE for large enterprises with a supplement of 10 % for medium-sized enterprises and 20 % for small enterprises.
- The Norwegian authorities have proposed general maximal aid ceilings for all the areas covered by the regional aid map to be 15 % GGE for large enterprises with a supplement of 10 % for medium-sized enterprises and 20 % for small enterprises.
- Evergreen had to keep maximal control on the investment project, in order to ensure a maximum return for its shareholders in case of success, but it could not raise sufficient capital without the financial participation of a business partner.
- This Decision establishes the maximal amount of the Community financial contribution for 2008, the rate of the Community financial contribution and the conditions on which the contribution may be granted towards expenditure incurred by Greece, Spain and Italy in the framework of projects over EUR 1000000 for the purchase and modernisation of patrol vessels and aircraft used for inspection and surveillance of fishing activities.
- The eligible applications notified by the Member States to the Commission by 15 October 2008 according to Article 102(2) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 exceed the maximal annual budget for the grubbing-up scheme for the 2008/2009 wine year, i.e. EUR 464 million, as laid down in Annex VII to that Regulation.
- The eligible applications notified by the Member States to the Commission by 15 October 2008 according to Article 102(2) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 exceed the maximal annual budget for the grubbing-up scheme for the 2008/2009 wine year, i.e. EUR 464 million, as laid down in Annex VII to that Regulation. Therefore, a single percentage for acceptance of the amounts notified actually should be fixed.
- In case TSI requirements for some interface(s) between Control-Command and Signalling and other sub-systems are not available at the moment of installation (e.g., electromagnetic compatibility between train detection and Rolling Stock, climatic conditions and physical conditions in which the train can work, geometric parameters of the train like length, maximal distance of axles in the train, length of the nose of the first and of the last car of the train, braking parameters), the corresponding characteristics and the standards applied shall be indicated in the Registers of Rolling Stock.
- In case TSI requirements for some interface(s) between control-command and signalling and other subsystems are not available at the moment of installation (e.g. electromagnetic compatibility between train detection and Rolling Stock, climatic conditions and physical conditions in which the train can work, geometric parameters of the train like length, maximal distance of axles in the train, length of the nose of the first and of the last car of the train, braking parameters), the corresponding characteristics and the standards applied shall be indicated in the Registers of Rolling Stock.