Betekenis van:

to maximize
  • gebruik maken van
  • make the most of
"He maximized his role"



to maximize
  • maximaliseren, maximeren
  • make as big or large as possible




  1. They feel compelled to maximize profits and reduce losses while the Chinese dumping is continuing.
  2. Final locations will be determined to maximize resources, minimize carbon footprint and on the basis of available assistance at local level.
  3. The same reason is given by Community producers as to why they have outsourced the supply of certain parts. They feel compelled to maximize profits and reduce losses while the Chinese dumping is continuing.
  4. This information led to concerns that the joint venture partners had kept the participation of Q-Cells artificially below 25 % (first at 24,9 %) in order to maximize the allowable amount of State aid (including an SME bonus), whereas Q-Cells was represented in the board of the joint venture by one out of three directors, with a veto right on important decisions.
  5. The argument that there would be no advantage for small- and mid-caps because funds and investors seek to maximize profits cannot be accepted since more favourable tax treatment enhances the attractiveness of such an investment, with increased liquidity for small- and mid-caps even in absence of any active behaviour by them aimed at benefiting from such an advantage.
  6. RECALLING General Assembly resolution 54/212 of 22 December 1999, in which the Assembly urged Member States and the United Nations system to strengthen international cooperation in the area of international migration and development in order to address the root causes of migration, especially those related to poverty, and to maximize the benefits of international migration to those concerned, and encouraged, where relevant, interregional, regional and subregional mechanisms to continue to address the question of migration and development,