Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • poreus voorwerp of voorwerp met gaatjes dat gassen of vloeistoffen doorlaat en tegelijk zuivert
  • a thin pliable sheet of material




  1. Endometritis is a disease where bacteria enter the uterus and cause inflammation of the inner membrane.
  2. The following is thought to be one of the reasons stress damages the stomach's mucous membrane.
  3. Reverse osmosis consists in forcing seawater through a membrane that filters out the salt.
  4. I like cold milk, but not hot milk. The white membrane and the smell that develops bothers me.
  5. Membrane filters, 0,22 μm.
  6. Membrane filters, 0,45 μm
  7. Membrane filters, 0,45 μm.
  8. Membrane filter (0,22 μm).
  9. Membrane filter, 0,45 μm
  10. Membrane filter, 0,22 μm.
  11. Membrane filter, 0,45 μm.
  12. membrane filtration apparatus,
  13. Membrane filters, 0,22 μm
  14. fluorocarbon (PTFE) membrane.
  15. ’Inflatable membrane tool finishing’; or