Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • de gemeenschap die de bewoners van een klooster samen vormen
  • the residence of a religious community




  1. These monks live inside the monastery.
  2. Move to a monastery for the entire year of 2027!
  3. (Monastery)
  4. Address: Milesevo monastery, Serbia
  5. Address: Milesevo monastery, Serbia and Montenegro
  6. In the same agricultural area there is a monastery.
  7. Wines produced from grapes harvested in vineyards that belong to a monastery.
  8. The costs of maintaining and managing the monastery were therefore attributed to Hessische Staatsweingüter.
  9. According to the information provided, the monastery is now run as an independent foundation under public law.
  10. Wine made from grapes harvested in vineyards of at least 1 hectare, belonging to an agricultural holding. In the same agricultural area there is a monastery. The winemaking is entirely carried out on that holding.
  11. They follow the structure of the comments submitted by the interested party and include arguments on four areas: the Hessen government as a market economy investor; the soundness of the business plan; the provision for the premises in the monastery Kloster Eberbach in the business plan and the irrelevance of the justifying reasons given for the compatibility of aid.
  12. The Commission received comments from Germany by letter of 4 April 2007. They follow the structure of the comments submitted by the interested party and include arguments on four areas: the Hessen government as a market economy investor; the soundness of the business plan; the provision for the premises in the monastery Kloster Eberbach in the business plan and the irrelevance of the justifying reasons given for the compatibility of aid.