Betekenis van:
native american

native american
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • van de Indianen
  • of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages


native american
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived





    1. Tom is a Native American.
    2. What if I am a Native American?
    3. How many Native American languages went extinct?
    4. Can you speak any Native American language?
    5. Lida learnt a Native American language and she teaches it to Native American children.
    6. Many Native American communities need doctors and teachers.
    7. I want to live in a Native American reservation.
    8. I want to visit a Native American reservation.
    9. I attended a big Native American festival in Florida.
    10. Managua has a Native American name, and yet, there are almost no Native Americans there.
    11. I met a Native American from Arizona, but he didn't speak a word of his native language.
    12. Lida lived for many years in a small Native American village in eastern Nicaragua.
    13. I am not really interested in Native American music. I am rather interested in their languages.
    14. I wish there were more Native American languages in the Tatoeba Corpus.
    15. How many Native American reservations are there in the United States?