Betekenis van:
natural event


  1. Natural event code
  2. Natural event code(s)
  3. Natural source(s) or natural event(s)
  4. natural event (weather, temperature, earthquake, etc.)
  5. The natural event can be indicated by one or several standard codes provided by this questionnaire (see Table 5).
  6. The Italian authorities argue that an ‘exceptional occurrence’ within the meaning of Article 87(2)(b) of the Treaty is any unforeseeable event or any event that is difficult to predict, such as a natural disaster.
  7. A climatic event may be assimilated to a natural disaster and qualify for compensation when it destroys more than 30 % of the normal crop production in question.2.5.
  8. The adverse climatic event which can be assimilated to a natural disaster must be formally recognised as such by public authorities.
  9.  Point 4.4 of the Guidelines: Aid to make good damage caused by natural disaster, exceptional occurrences or specific adverse climatic event
  10. ‘adverse climatic event’ shall mean weather conditions which can be assimilated to a natural disaster, such as frost, hail, ice, rain or drought;
  11. In the event of crises or threats to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, or of natural or man-made disasters, an emergency procedure may be used to conduct an ad hoc review of strategy papers.
  12. six months, in the event of a natural disaster, closures of fisheries decided by Member States for reasons of public health or other exceptional occurrence which is not the result of resource conservation measures.
  13. A climatic event may be assimilated to a natural disaster and qualify for compensation when it destroys more than 30 % of the normal crop production in question.2.5. Please give normal production figures for each of the crops affected by the weather event and eligible for compensation.
  14. In any event, according to the figures produced by the customs authorities, excise duties levied in 2003 on natural sweet wines and liqueur wines of all origins amounted to EUR 142,5 million, broken down as follows: EUR 25,2 million from natural sweet wines, subjected to a duty of EUR 54/hl on a volume of 467000 hl, and EUR 117,3 million from liqueur wines, subjected to a duty of EUR 214/hl on a volume of 548000 hl.
  15. In the event of temporary difficulties in the supply of propagating material and fruit plants satisfying the requirements of this Directive due to natural disasters or unforeseen circumstances, measures may be adopted, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 19(2), concerning the marketing of propagating material and fruit plants meeting less stringent requirements.