Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it
"he found his niche in the academic world"
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- uitsparing
- a small concavity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- (ecology) the status of an organism within its environment and community (affecting its survival as a species)
- It's a niche market.
- It's a niche product.
- U.S. companies are working to find a niche in the Japanese economy.
- its ecological niche,
- information concerning its ecological niche,
- competition of ecological niche (e.g. nutrients, habitats),
- producing high quality products for niche markets;
- The shipyard also planned to maintain capacity for niche markets if profitable offers arose.
- Air springs are currently a niche product, mainly used in luxury cars.
- Bull has no ambitions beyond that of being a niche player.
- Le potentiel d'implantation dans une niche appropriée varie en fonction de la taille de la population viable, de la taille de la niche et de la fréquence des niches adaptées à l'espèce.
- These probably mainly consist in high value niche products imported in particular from the United States of America (USA).
- Pour pouvoir s'implanter dans l'environnement, un MGM doit survivre à la dispersion, trouver une niche et s'y installer.
- With which native species will there be a niche overlap? Are there any unused ecological resources of which the species would take advantage?
- Continental's and Phoenix' activities overlap only in the field of air springs. Air springs are currently a niche product, mainly used in luxury cars.