Betekenis van:
nitrogen balance

nitrogen balance
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the balance between the amount of nitrogen taken in (to the soil or the body) and the amount given off (lost or excreted)



    1. Title of the action: Nutrient balance for nitrogen
    2. Nitrogen shall be the predominant diluent with the balance oxygen.
    3. The OECD national nitrogen and phosphorus balances show for the period 1985 and 2002 a decline for the nitrogen balance from 46 to 22 kg N/ha and for the phosphorus balance from 15 to 12 kg P/ha.
    4. Indeed, during that period, a tight worldwide supply demand balance resulted in high prices for all nitrogen fertilisers.
    5. The use of chemical nitrogen on dairy grassland has reduced by 37 % since 1999 and amounts to 128 kg N/ha in 2007. The OECD national nitrogen and phosphorus balances show for the period 1985 and 2002 a decline for the nitrogen balance from 46 to 22 kg N/ha and for the phosphorus balance from 15 to 12 kg P/ha.