Betekenis van:

to notify
  • een advies geven
  • inform (somebody) of something



to notify
  • berichten, boodschappen
  • inform (somebody) of something




  1. We'll notify Tom.
  2. I'll notify Tom.
  3. In such a case, notify his family.
  4. I think we should notify Tom's parents.
  5. We have to notify the police.
  6. Will you notify me after 3 minutes?
  7. Someone should notify the next of kin.
  8. Why didn't the police notify us?
  9. You should notify the police at once.
  10. If you don't come tomorrow, notify me by phone.
  11. I will notify you of the arrival of the goods.
  12. Please fill out this form and wait for us to notify you.
  13. If there's a better solution, then I'll notify you about it as soon as possible.
  14. When you decide which plan you want, please notify us in writing.
  15. I am happy to notify you that I have fully recovered.