Betekenis van:
open chain

open chain
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a chain of atoms in a molecule whose ends are not joined to form a ring




    1. Checks by the competent authorities shall be carried out when the foodstuffs are taken over open their release from intervention storage, at all stages of plan implementation and in particular at all levels of the distribution chain.
    2. These services can be divided in many different ways (according to the type of financial instrument, the stage in the management chain (upstream/downstream), according to the type of customers etc. Here as well, the exact definition can be left open for the purposes of the present Decision (see recital 11 above).
    3. By intervening at the wholesale level, including with remedies which may affect retail markets, Member States can ensure that as much of the value chain is open to normal competition processes as possible, thereby delivering the best outcomes for end-users.