Betekenis van:
to outweigh
- weigh more heavily
"these considerations outweigh our wishes"
- The benefits outweigh the costs.
- A mother's advice would outweigh a friend's.
- The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
- These figures show that for many situations the benefits of shore-side electricity outweigh the costs.
- The total benefits to society associated with this option would outweigh the costs.
- The purpose of IFRS 1 is that costs for the transition towards full IAS/IFRS should not outweigh the benefits for the users of financial statements.
- While accepting that this measure constitutes a compensatory measure, the Commission considers that it cannot on its own outweigh the adverse effects of the aid described above.
- They submit that the cost to the economy of allowing BE to fail would far outweigh the price of its restructuring and that the aid is necessary.
- This happens when the benefits of State aid in terms of additional R&D&I outweigh the harm for competition and trade.
- Furthermore, the advantages of the aid in terms of the development of a less-favoured region must outweigh the resulting distortions of competition [6].
- These figures show that for many situations the benefits of shore-side electricity outweigh the costs. In many case the benefits are a large multiple of the costs.
- It considers that the positive impact on the achievement of the safe and efficient management of nuclear liabilities does not outweigh the impact of the Measure on competition.
- This happens when the benefits of State aid in terms of additional environmental benefits outweigh the harm for competition and trade.
- The principle that the benefits of modifications must outweigh their costs, and the principle that additional costs and burdens remain within reasonable limits shall be taken into account.
- In order to ensure that the adverse effects on trading conditions are minimised so that the positive effects pursued outweigh them, compensatory measures must be adopted.