Betekenis van:

to overcompensate
  • overcompenseren
  • make excessive corrections for fear of making an error



to overcompensate
    • make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities



    to overcompensate
    • overcompenseren
    • make excessive corrections for fear of making an error




    1. Article 52a of the Polish Postal Law already states clearly the prohibition to overcompensate ‘1.
    2. As a result, the Commission concludes that the aid of FRF 2000000 did not overcompensate the costs of processing of small orders.
    3. Nor did the Commission know whether the aid paid for destruction was such as to overcompensate either the owners of the meal or the undertakings responsible for destroying it.
    4. Such examination mainly concentrated in obtaining reasonable assurance that the State will not overcompensate the net additional costs [20] Poczta Polska will incur in discharging the universal public service obligation.
    5. When initiating the formal investigation procedure, the Commission, taking into account the total reimbursable public service costs of RTP in the period 1992 to 1998, expressed doubts as to whether the Portuguese State did not overcompensate for the net public service costs of RTP.
    6. It was therefore to be feared that the overall effect of the many support measures in the form of direct State payments, loans and approved pricing measures would be to overcompensate for the universal service costs in a way that is inadmissible under State aid rules.
    7. The proportional character of the aid in question also depends on ascertaining first that (a) the Greek authorities have adequately quantified the extra costs that the OTE will have to bear because of the permanency and high fixed salaries of the personnel taking advantage of the VRS offer, and (b) that the State’s contribution does not overcompensate OTE.
    8. Article 52a of the Polish Postal Law already states clearly the prohibition to overcompensate ‘1. The Public operator obliged to provide universal postal services, shall receive from the State budget the subsidy to the provided universal postal services, if it incurs loss.