Betekenis van:
parking space

parking space
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • ruimte om te parkeren; ruimte om te parkeren
  • a space where an automobile can be parked



parking space
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • parkeervak
  • a space where an automobile can be parked




  1. Tom wants your parking space.
  2. Tom backed his car out of the parking space.
  3. My aunt allowed me to park my car in her parking space.
  4. I'm sick and tired of you always parking in my space.
  5. You can't park in a handicapped parking space unless you have a special permit.
  6. In order to buy a car, you must show the ward office proof of parking space.
  7. One evening, however, when Miss Baker got back to the college a few minutes before the time by which all students had to be in, she found another car in her parking space.
  8. the integration of relevant ITS technologies in both vehicles and road parking facilities to update the information on available parking space for reservation purposes.
  9. Parking the vehicle and leaving a parking space (parallel, oblique or right-angle, forwards or in reverse, on the flat, uphill or downhill);
  10. With respect to traffic infrastructure installations, only in Austria would there be a few small overlaps between Siemens and VA Tech in the case of street lighting, traffic signalling equipment, parking space control installations and traffic control installations.