Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • iemand die foto's maakt
  • someone who takes photographs professionally





  1. He wasn't a photographer!
  2. She's a professional photographer.
  3. I'm a photographer.
  4. He's a professional photographer.
  5. Who's your favorite photographer?
  6. You're really a good photographer.
  7. Tom became a successful photographer.
  8. She has been a photographer all weekend.
  9. Her acute observation skills make her a very suitable photographer.
  10. She's a good photographer because she's so observant.
  11. A photographer took a photograph of my house.
  12. Every dumbass with a camera thinks he is a photographer.
  13. I know the photographer who took this picture.
  14. Tom wanted to hone his skills as a photographer.
  15. We criticized the photographer for not rescuing the child first.