Betekenis van:
physical contact

physical contact
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • aanraking, contact
  • the act of touching physically




physical contact
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • proefstrook
  • the act of touching physically





  1. Physical contact with a child is very important.
  2. Breeding groups should have visual contact, but should be prevented from physical contact, with other groups.
  3. the area where the animals are kept features significant natural handicaps that result in reduced physical contact with humans;
  4. The water is in no direct physical contact with the installations and is therefore not altered in its chemical composition.
  5. For breeding purposes a group of seven to ten females kept with one or two males appears to be adequate. Breeding groups should have visual contact, but should be prevented from physical contact, with other groups.
  6. for food contact materials: Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Physical and Chemical Exposures Unit, TP 260, Via E. Fermi, 1, 21020 Ispra (Italy)
  7. for food contact materials: Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Physical and Chemical Exposures Unit, TP 260, Via E. Fermi, 1, 21020 Ispra (Italy) ,
  8. Physical characteristics(1): 10. Disposal facility or recovery facility Registration No: Name: Address: Contact person: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Actual site of disposal/recovery (2):
  9. An adequate physical bird proofing system shall be in place to prevent contact with wild birds and to prevent any contamination of feed, water and litter.
  10. that persons and domestic animals are adequately protected against the danger of physical injury or other harm which might be caused by direct or indirect contact;
  11. These contact points will also provide the public with the necessary information on how to report illegal content and assess the content of on-line information services which could harm the physical, mental or moral integrity of children.
  12. medical devices as defined in Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC, which are invasive or used in direct physical contact with the human body, and in Directive 98/79/EC;
  13. Accessible edges, protrusions, cords, cables and fastenings on toys must be designed and manufactured in such a way that the risks of physical injury from contact with them are reduced as far as possible.
  14. Each time a category A euro banknote is processed, the machine must stop the processing immediately and keep the category A euro banknote in a position that avoids any physical contact with authenticated euro banknotes.
  15. These divisions may be based on odour marks rather than physical division but partial barriers may be beneficial to allow the animals to initiate or avoid contact with other group members.