Betekenis van:
plane seat

plane seat
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • vliegtuigstoel, vliegstoel
  • a seat on a commercial airliner



  1. The pilot ejected his seat seconds before the plane crashed.
  2. His seat in the plane was on the aisle.
  3. As the plane was approaching turbulence, the pilot asked the passengers aboard the plane to fasten their seat belts.
  4. Suddenly the plane begins to rock and the seat belt signs come on.
  5. Making a trip by plane, you must first check in at the airport. You get a boarding card which shows that you are accepted for a certain flight and indicates the number of your seat.
  6. Trace of vertical median plane of seat
  7. 1 Seat index point 2 Reference plane
  8. Section C Trace of vertical median plane of seat
  9. Trace of vertical median plane of seat r R
  10. The zone is defined in relation to the reference plane and the seat index point (SIP).
  11. The seat reference point (S) shall be the point in the central longitudinal plane of the seat where the tangential plane of the lower backrest and a horizontal plane intersect. This horizontal plane cuts the lower surface of the seat-pan board 150 mm in front of the seat reference point.
  12. a horizontal plane passing through a point 90 – av below the seat index point;
  13. The seat reference point (S) shall be the point in the central longitudinal plane of the seat where the tangential plane of the lower backrest and a horizontal plane intersect.
  14. The reference plane is a vertical plane, generally longitudinal to the tractor and passing through the seat index point and the centre of the steering wheel.
  15. The foot space at priority seating positions shall extend forward of the seat from a vertical plane through the forward edge of the seat cushion.