Betekenis van:
play off
- Company A is trying to play us off against Company B in a severe price-war.
- How do you get your children out of bed and off to play?
- Once the real estate services business has been split off from the bank by the end of 2005, market developments in this area will play no more than a subordinate role as far as the bank is concerned.
- Only if the amount were EUR 21,6 billion would all conceivable risks mentioned above be covered, so that the group banks’ loans to property service companies, which on account of the risks were being committed and drawn down from rent, renewal and the other above‐mentioned guarantees, play no role in the calculation of the subsidiary banks’ and the group’s own‐funds ratios because they have a 0 % weighting in the calculation and are therefore not included and also not set off against the large‐scale lending limits.
- Germany also explained in this connection that it was nevertheless not possible for supervisory reasons to limit the maximum liability under the risk shield to the economic value of just over EUR 6 billion. Only if the amount were EUR 21,6 billion would all conceivable risks mentioned above be covered, so that the group banks’ loans to property service companies, which on account of the risks were being committed and drawn down from rent, renewal and the other above‐mentioned guarantees, play no role in the calculation of the subsidiary banks’ and the group’s own‐funds ratios because they have a 0 % weighting in the calculation and are therefore not included and also not set off against the large‐scale lending limits.
- Only if the amount were EUR 21,6 billion would all conceivable risks mentioned above be covered, so that the group banks’ loans to property service companies, which on account of the risks were being committed and drawn down from rent, renewal and the other above‐mentioned guarantees, play no role in the calculation of the subsidiary banks’ and the group’s own‐funds ratios because they have a 0 % weighting in the calculation and are therefore not included and also not set off against the large‐scale lending limits. Limiting the maximum amount of liability to the economically realistic risk would, on the contrary, mean in supervisory terms that the credits would have to count as risk assets to the tune of EUR [...]*, the large‐scale lending ceiling would be exceeded and the falling own‐funds ratios would make a further significant capital injection necessary.
- Enrichment Raised, part-enclosed structures should be provided (e.g. a bed with three walls and a roof on a shelf approximately one metre off the floor) to give the cats a view of their surroundings and, if pair- or group-housed, the opportunity to maintain a comfortable distance from other cats.There should be a sufficient number of these structures to minimise competition. Structures should be distributed within the enclosure so that animals can fully use the space available. There should also be provision for the cats to seek refuge and privacy within their own enclosure and, in particular, away from the sight of cats in other enclosures. Vertical wooden surfaces should be provided to allow claw-sharpening and scent-marking. Outside runs provide an environmental enrichment opportunity for cats in both breeding and user establishments and should be provided where possible. Pseudo-predatory and play behaviour should be encouraged. A selection of toys should be available and these should be changed on a regular basis in order to ensure ongoing stimulation and avoid familiarity, which decreases the motivation to play.