Betekenis van:
political party


  1. They organized a political party.
  2. Any political party is conservative in itself.
  3. They formed a new political party.
  4. This political party is very environmentally conscious.
  5. He assumed the leadership of the political party.
  6. Party leaders are hammering out a proposal for political reform.
  7. To many Americans, a two-party political system seems natural.
  8. Does he have anything to do with the political party?
  9. They are trying to organize a new political party.
  10. The Pirate Party could mature into a political driving force.
  11. There are two major political parties in the United States: the conservative Republican Party, and the liberal Democratic Party.
  12. At the party, one of his political opponents humiliated him in the presence of many guests.
  13. There is a political party which is a traitor to the country in Japan.
  14. Winning the election was a great victory for the candidate's political party.
  15. When a president or a governor acts wisely and lawfully, Americans express their approval by reelecting him and by supporting his political party.