Betekenis van:
post road
- This road will take you to the post-office.
- The nearest post office is in Cavendon Road.
- This straight road will lead you to the post office.
- Post box No 1888 Street name: Clock Tower, Industrial Road
- Core zone equestrian site in Reshui Village, Lingkou Town of Conghua City with the surrounding area within a five km radius controlled by the road control post at State Highway 105;
- By way of derogation from Article 4(2), transit by road or by rail shall be authorised between the border inspection posts in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland listed in the Annex to Commission Decision 2001/881/EC [12], of consignments of commodities coming from and bound for Russia, directly or via another third country, where the following conditions are met:(a) the consignment is sealed with a serially numbered seal by the official veterinarian at the border inspection post of entry;
- A Member State referred to in the first subparagraph above may, in urgent and exceptional cases, suspend the application of Article 1 of the Regulation, followed by a reasoned ex-post notification to the Commission. (d) As long as Article 1 of the Regulation is not applied by virtue of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, Member States may regulate access to their national road haulage services by progressively exchanging cabotage authorisations on the basis of bilateral agreements.
- By way of derogation from Article 19, the Member States shall authorise transit by road or by rail through the Community, between border inspection posts in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland designated in accordance with Commission Decision 2001/881/EC [28], of consignments of meat minced meat and mechanically separated meat of poultry, ratites and wild game-birds, eggs and egg products and specified pathogen-free eggs coming from and bound for Russia directly or via another third country, provided that:(a) the consignment is sealed with a serially numbered seal by the official veterinarian at the border inspection post of entry;