Betekenis van:

to preclude
    • keep from happening or arising; make impossible
    "Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project"



    to preclude
      • make impossible, especially beforehand




      1. This does not preclude:
      2. This Standard does not preclude this practice.
      3. Further, there was no mechanism to preclude any overcompensation.
      4. Measures should therefore be taken to preclude this unwarranted benefit.
      5. However, such considerations cannot, by themselves, preclude a recovery order.
      6. This Regulation shall not preclude the application of:
      7. The abstention of a member shall not preclude unanimity.
      8. This definition does not preclude a non-mechanical device.
      9. instructions for use, if the omission thereof would preclude appropriate use of the food additive;
      10. instructions for use, if the omission thereof would preclude appropriate use of the food enzyme;
      11. This does not preclude the use of glass in control rooms within the machinery spaces.
      12. Paragraphs 4 and 5 shall not preclude the labelling particulars from being indicated in several languages.
      13. Store the sample in conditions which preclude any deterioration or change in composition.
      14. (This does not preclude selection of the departure aerodrome as the destination alternate);
      15. This does not preclude the parties from adding additional commercial clauses where required.