Betekenis van:

to premise
  • in algemene trekken voorlopig behandelen
  • furnish with a preface or introduction




to premise
    • set forth beforehand, often as an explanation
    "He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand"


    to premise
      • take something as preexisting and given



      Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • wetenschappelijke stelling; wetenschappelijke stelling; wetenschappelijke stelling
      • a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn




      Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • veronderstelling, aanname, gis, gissing, onderstelling
      • a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn





      1. You ought to think over whether the premise is valid or not.
      2. This premise is consistent with point 16 of the Notice.
      3. The Commission will therefore base its analysis on the premise that FSO remains an independent manufacturer.
      4. In case of insufficient ventilation in the premise, wear suitable respiratory equipments.
      5. In case of insufficient ventilation in the premise, wear suitable respiratory equipments
      6. Name(s) and official number(s) of premise(s) approved or registered by FDA NMFS-NOAA (1) for export to the EC:
      7. This recommendation takes as its premise that employers or funders of researchers have an overriding obligation to ensure that they meet respective national, regional or sectoral legislation requirements.
      8. The provisions of the Decree are based on the premise that the full guaranteed price for electricity from qualified producers covers the fixed costs and variable costs.
      9. This reasoning is based on the premise that the PPAs themselves do not constitute an economic advantage, which is not the case, as was explained in point 7.1.1.
      10. The above reasoning is based on the premise that, at present, lignite is the most economical source of domestic fuel for the generation of electricity in Slovenia.
      11. The grinding step for homogenisation as part of sample preparation, can be performed outside the laboratory, but the premise where the grinding is performed must have the appropriate grinding equipment, environment and protocol for homogenisation.
      12. ‘fallen stock’ means animals which have been killed by euthanasia with or without definite diagnosis or have died (including stillborn and unborn animals) on a farm or any premise or during transport, but have not been slaughtered for human consumption;
      13. This Charter takes as its premise that researchers as well as employers and/or funders of researchers have an overriding obligation to ensure that they meet the requirements of the respective national or regional legislation.
      14. The UK authorities then object to EECL’s observation that they wrongly based their conclusion on the premise that BE would decide whether to close its nuclear plants by examining their SRMCs rather than their avoidable costs.
      15. The assessment of its prospects consequently rested from the outset on the premise that a far‐reaching discharge of debts would be possible and thus assumed that an effective agreement could be concluded.