Betekenis van:
present moment

present moment
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • at this time




    1. Stay in the present moment.
    2. I sacrificed the present moment for the future.
    3. Judging from the present look of the sky, we may have a downpour any moment.
    4. The animal lacks both anxiety and hope because its consciousness is restricted to what is clearly evident and thus to the present moment: the animal is the present incarnate.
    5. Involvement of the public employment office at any moment in finding the present job
    6. Therefore the Commission considers that the situation that was in place at the moment of the opening is still present.
    7. a calculation of the contribution from organic matter mineralization, leguminous crops and atmospheric deposition and amount of nitrogen present in the soil at the moment when the crop starts to use it to a significant degree;
    8. All votes shall be valid whatever the number of voters unless the President, on a request made before voting has begun by at least 37 Members, establishes at the moment of voting that the quorum is not present.
    9. Including wagons, which according to existing regulations carry the digits defined in the present table. COTIF: vehicle compliant with COTIF regulation in force at the moment of placing in service. [3] Fixed or variable gauge.
    10. The authority competent to extend the visa shall be that of the Member State on whose territory the third-country national is present at the moment of applying for an extension.
    11. Including vehicles, which according to existing regulations carry the digits defined in the present table. COTIF: vehicle compliant with COTIF regulation in force at the moment of placing in service.
    12. Leaving aside for the moment whether TV2 is an undertaking entrusted with the discharge of public service obligations, the Commission is of the opinion that, in the present case at least, the second and the fourth conditions set out above are not fulfilled.
    13. As regards the possibility to collect proceeds during the execution of the contract (i.e. before delivery), the Commission again refers to the document quoted in footnote 128 of the present decision, which indicates that on 31 December 2000 the trade debt related to the contracts with OSE amounted to only EUR 0,5 million. In addition, the document indicates that ‘These receivables will be set off against the respective advances received’. This illustrates that at that moment no money was collectible from OSE.
    14. Whether or not a guarantee constitutes State aid, and, if so, what the amount of that State aid may be, must be assessed at the moment the guarantee is given.’ In the present case, the Commission notes that the risk of compensation payments resulting from claims for damage is carried in part by the State and that the municipality does not receive any premium for this partial guarantee.
    15. Even though the implementation of the write-off by the tax office has been suspended pending the present procedure before it, the Commission finds that the advantage for the beneficiary was created at the point at which the tax office decided to forgo part of its claims and thus put the aid at the disposal of the beneficiary. This moment was the entry into force of the creditors' agreement on 23 July 2004.