Betekenis van:
- at once (usually modifies an undesirable occurrence)
"he promptly forgot the address"
- accuraat, nauwgezet, precies
- in a precise manner
- Tom promptly obeyed.
- Please make your reservations promptly.
- Medical help arrives promptly after an accident.
- He promptly coped with the situation.
- Would you please replace the broken one promptly?
- I appreciate your answering my enquiry so promptly.
- Why? Because Terry Tate always replied promptly, that's why.
- Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly.
- I was surprised at her inability to do things promptly.
- Any doubts about the validity of this argument are promptly forgotten once we see the data.
- He turned on the TV, and promptly fell asleep sitting before the set.
- Certainly she wouldn't have dreamt that I would get up promptly without grumbling.
- We drop of our luggage in a small prefab hut and promptly start preparations.
- The aeroplane to Dunedin left the aerodrome promptly at eight in the morning.
- The man ran into the room wearing a boot on his head, shouted a bunch of gibberish, and promptly exited.