Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- rails voor treinen; weg van rails voor de trein; weg van rails voor treinen
- a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll
- She would value the opportunity to exchange views on the strength of guard-rails.
- Ruby on Rails is an agile development platform, which means we can respond to feedback from our customers very quickly.
- The hero of the book rails at the injustices of the world but does nothing about them.
- A rail is a piece of metal or wood which is long and thin. For example, a train runs on rails, which is why we call it a railway train.
- Rails
- Rails:
- rails, grooved rails and check rails,
- Curtain rails
- Vignole rails:
- Grooved rails
- Check rails
- Coots, rails
- Track rails
- Vignole rails
- rails and cross ties,