Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- terugspeelbal
- getting something back again
- Such a situation would prevent it from regaining a healthy financial structure allowing it to finance its operations on its own.
- It can reasonably be expected that the Community industry will continue to benefit from the measures currently imposed and further recover, probably by regaining market share and improving its profitability.
- It can reasonably be expected that the Community industry will continue to benefit from the measures currently imposed and further recover by regaining market share and improving its profitability.
- To conclude, it is expected that the Community industry as well as other Community producers will benefit from the imposition of measures by regaining lost sales and market shares and improving their profitability.
- Given that the business plan includes the restructuring aid of EUR 1 million, the Commission recognises that the company will be unable to implement its restructuring plan and become profitable again without help. Such a situation would prevent it from regaining a healthy financial structure allowing it to finance its operations on its own.
- Given that the business plan includes the restructuring aid of EUR 1 million, the Commission recognises that the company will be unable to implement its restructuring plan and become profitable again without help. Such a situation would prevent it from regaining a healthy financial structure allowing it to finance its operations on its own. The Commission therefore finds that in the beginning of the restructuring period in January 2008 and without the present aid (in other words, if the rescue aid is reimbursed) the company ‘Les Volailles du Périgord’ could still be considered to be in difficulty within the meaning of the guidelines.