Betekenis van:

to relocate
    • move or establish in a new location
    "We had to relocate the office because the rent was too high"


    to relocate
      • become established in a new location
      "Our company relocated to the Midwest"



      1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
      2. The project aims to relocate the production activities that existed in 2004 in the UK and Denmark to Prešov.
      3. The decision of the Municipal Council must be regarded as part of a larger plan to relocate businesses away from the city centre.
      4. The location for the manufacture of ready-to-wear clothes is influenced by low labour costs and subcontractors relocate easily from one country to another.
      5. The main effects of the reform would be immediately to distort competitive conditions in the area and to encourage businesses to relocate.
      6. In particular it shall be prohibited to retain on board, relocate, tranship or land fish from that stock caught by those vessels after that date.
      7. the decision to relocate the wine business and to construct a new wine cellar was a purely commercial decision based on an analysis of possible strategic approaches;
      8. This scheme does not condition the aid with the above mentioned restrictions with the obligation to relocate and the eligible costs.
      9. the need to develop a secure system for providing updates on companies and aircrafts which routinely reregister assets and relocate businesses in their efforts to avoid detection;
      10. To ensure that aid is not granted for relocation for other purposes, an administrative or judicial decision of a competent public authority or an agreement between the competent public authority and the undertaking to relocate the firm is required.
      11. Several users submitted that the battery producers employ far more people than the Community industry and that due to the anti-dumping measures they may be forced to lay off workforce and even to relocate the production plants.
      12. Germany estimates that in case night flights were to be banned by the regulatory authorities and DHL had to relocate to another airport, Leipzig airport could be liable to pay DHL up to EUR […].
      13. However, this scheme does not provide any such reductions of eligible costs. This scheme does not condition the aid with the above mentioned restrictions with the obligation to relocate and the eligible costs.
      14. Such damage would be difficult to repair given that businesses will have closed down, former employees will have been forced to relocate to find work and lenders will be cautious about providing finance to re-open failed ventures.
      15. Regarding labour costs, it should be noted that no evidence was submitted which could support this argument or that this was a factor which was decisive in the company's decision to relocate to Vietnam.