Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- vergelding van ondervonden leed
- action taken in return for an injury or offense
- Threats of retaliation are blocking negotiations.
- From a State aid perspective, retaliation of this kind cannot be accepted.
- Indeed, they alleged that they risk retaliation from these suppliers and customers, including the possible termination of their business relationship.
- The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on trade retaliation,
- Only the credible threat of timely and sufficient retaliation keeps companies away from deviating from terms of coordination.
- Moreover, there are effective retaliation mechanisms against a deviating oligopolist and a high joint interest in maintaining the status quo.
- For these reasons they considered that there was a risk of retaliation by some of their clients, including the possible termination of their business relationship.
- However, the Commission has not found sufficient evidence that such retaliation mechanisms have been applied or used as a threat in the past.
- In the event that either party were to deviate from the common understanding, retaliation could be brought about by temporarily reverting to intense competition.
- Furthermore, the Commission analysed whether the markets for recorded music were characterised by features facilitating collective dominance, in particular by considering product homogeneity, transparency and retaliation mechanisms.
- The Commission therefore concludes in the Decision that retaliation by means of increased incentive payments to TAs cannot be excluded by itself.
- With regards to coordinated effects, the decision also concludes that such effects are unlikely, having carefully examined the market structure, the market transparency, the credible retaliation mechanisms, and the reaction of customers and current and potential competitors.
- As to retaliation, the Commission explored whether majors could retaliate against any ‘cheating’ major, in particular by a (temporary) return to competitive behaviour or by exclusion of the deviator from compilation joint ventures and agreements.
- However, in the light of the above remarks, in particular regarding market transparency, product content heterogeneity and retaliation, the Commission considers that the effect of a reduction from five to four majors following the merger would not be substantial enough to lead to the creation of a collective dominant position of the majors in the recorded music markets.
- Immediate retaliation through the reduction by the coordinating GDSs of the fees charged to TSPs would be ineffective to retaliate against the deviating GDS, since it would not provoke switching behaviour by TSPs, considering that they need the services of all four GDSs.