Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- omkeerbaarheid
- the quality of being reversible in either direction
- reversibility: the inability to revert to the system before the change;
- Reversibility of skin lesions is another consideration in evaluating irritant responses.
- The above-ground storage conditions should notably meet the principles of reversibility of storage, protection of mercury against meteoric water, impermeability towards soils and prevention of vapour emissions of mercury.
- To quantify the severity of injury(ies), table 3 in these guidelines shows how to classify injuries into four categories, depending on the reversibility of an injury, i.e. whether recovery from an injury is possible and to what extent.
- The Commission notes that the State aid granted to Gdynia Shipyard does not meet either the temporality condition, as all the aid measures were granted for periods well beyond the prescribed 6 months, or the reversibility condition, as irreversible measures were authorised such as capital injections and debt write-offs comparable to grants.
- the rate of increase and the reversibility of the trend are such that a later starting point for trend reversal measures would still enable such measures to prevent most cost-effectively, or at least mitigate as far as possible, any environmentally significant detrimental changes in groundwater quality.
- The Commission and the Council will assess measures taken to respond to the economic downturn in line with the principles set out in the Recovery Plan as agreed by the European Council, inter alia, taking due account of the need to ensure the reversibility of the fiscal deterioration, improving budgetary policy-making, and ensuring long-term sustainability of public finances.