Betekenis van:

to revert
  • terugkomen
  • go back to a previous state
"We reverted to the old rules"




to revert
    • undergo reversion, as in a mutation



    1. reversibility: the inability to revert to the system before the change;
    2. At that time any outstanding funds from the original grant will revert to AWM.
    3. All users would have the possibility to revert to non-dumped sources of supply.
    4. The competence referred to in paragraph 1 shall revert to the issuing State:
    5. The right of execution of the decision shall revert to the issuing State:
    6. If the decision is not issued by the end of February 2008, the money will revert to AHW.
    7. The fact that certain fleet owners revert to B100 is rather an exception at the Community level.
    8. At the end of the five-year period Investbx must be self-sustaining, and when the business is hopefully sold, any returns made will revert to AWM.
    9. It can be wound up only by a legislative procedure and, in that event, the balance of its debt and of its assets will revert to the State.
    10. It shall also notify the Commission if it subsequently decides to revert to carrying out assessments on the basis of four bathing seasons.
    11. If Investbx is successful, it will be sold and become a private sector company. At that time any outstanding funds from the original grant will revert to AWM.
    12. However, where no settlement can be reached, the staff member shall have the right to revert to the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation.
    13. At the end of the 25-year period, ownership of BFH’s new building together with its fixtures and fittings was to revert free of charge to BAV.
    14. Where no declaration is submitted at the end of that period, the reference quantity for direct sales of the producer concerned shall revert to the national reserve.
    15. Payment entitlements not giving right to payments during two consecutive years due to the application of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall revert to the national reserve.