Betekenis van:
safety rail

safety rail
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • geleidingshek
  • a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety



safety rail
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • middenbermbeveiliging
  • a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety




  1. Interfaces with the Safety in Rail Tunnels TSI
  2. Safety levels in the Community rail system are generally high, in particular compared to road transport.
  3. Create the conditions for competition on the railway track, including rail regulatory and safety institutions.
  4. veterinary and food safety control checks in Border Inspection Posts (airports, seaports and roads/rail),
  5. veterinary and food and feed safety control checks in Border Inspection Posts (airports, seaports and roads/rail),
  6. The Agency now has a large number of experts specialising in the interoperability and safety of the European rail system.
  7. Create conditions for competition in the rail transport sector, including the establishment of regulatory and safety bodies.
  8. In order to ensure safety against derailment and running stability the forces between wheel and rail have to be limited.
  9. the exchange of safety-relevant information between different actors within the rail sector in order to manage safety across the different interfaces which may exist within this sector;
  10. In the rail sector, establish a regulatory body that is independent from the infrastructure manager and railway undertakings. Establish a safety authority responsible for issuing safety certificates.
  11. Driving times and rest periods for train drivers and train staff performing safety tasks have an important impact on the safety level of the rail system.
  12. However, the provisions on safety have proved to be insufficient and differences between safety requirements remain, which affect the optimum functioning of rail transport in the Community.
  13. ‘common safety targets (CSTs)’ means the safety levels that must at least be reached by different parts of the rail system (such as the conventional rail system, the high speed rail system, long railway tunnels or lines solely used for freight transport) and by the system as a whole, expressed in risk acceptance criteria;
  14. Performance levels, safety, quality of service and cost depend upon such compatibility and interchange as does, in particular, the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system.
  15. Performance levels, safety, quality of service and cost depend upon such compatibility and interconnection, as does, in particular, the interoperability of the rail system.