Betekenis van:
salary increase

salary increase
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • toename van het loon
  • the amount a salary is increased




  1. They asked for an increase of salary.
  2. The income tax rate increases in proportion to the salary increase.
  3. This advancement shall lead to an increase in his basic monthly salary corresponding to the percentage between the first and the second step in each grade.’;
  4. One major reason for this increase in wages per employee is explained by the strong salary increase in the Community industry companies situated in the 10 countries which became members of the EC in 2004.
  5. This is because (a) the evolution of salaries of OTE employees follow a strict scale that significantly reduces the uncertainties about salary variations over time, and (b) any uncertainty that may persist is not correlated to OTE’s performance (the annual increase in the salary grid is not correlated to OTE’s overall economic performance).
  6. According to Article 35 of Act No 1/1997, the Government Employees Pension Fund Act, a fund member may opt for having his pension increased corresponding to the increase in salary for the post they last occupied.
  7. Article 33 of Act No 1/1997 provides that ‘in the case where a previously determined […] pension increases due to a general increase in the salary of public employees, the Treasury and other employers who insure their employees in the Fund refund [16] the increase which thus takes place in pension payments.
  8. Article 33 of Act No 1/1997 provides that ‘in the case where a previously determined […] pension increases due to a general increase in the salary of public employees, the Treasury and other employers who insure their employees in the Fund refund [16] the increase which thus takes place in pension payments. […]’.
  9. However, CRA International takes the view that in the present case, the contribution of systematic costs to the costs arising from the VRS is small to insignificant. This is because (a) the evolution of salaries of OTE employees follow a strict scale that significantly reduces the uncertainties about salary variations over time, and (b) any uncertainty that may persist is not correlated to OTE’s performance (the annual increase in the salary grid is not correlated to OTE’s overall economic performance).
  10. The increase of the average salaries and wages per person employed results from a significant drop in the number of workers, with a relatively low wage level, while the level of the administration staff and management, — with a higher average salary, remained relatively stable.