Betekenis van:
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- de zeevaart beoefenend
- used on the high seas
- It took years of saving, but their seagoing vacation come true at last.
- Seagoing
- Seagoing:
- seagoing vessels,
- Seagoing floating docks
- seagoing vessels; or
- seagoing vessels, or
- CA40-0 Seagoing
- in seagoing ships’ bunkers,
- ‘ship’ means any seagoing vessel or craft;
- seagoing vessels, aircraft on international flights, including intra-Community flights;
- ‘vessel’ shall mean any inland waterway or seagoing vessel.
- have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months or have attended an approved training course and have approved seagoing service of not less than six months;
- The minimum duration of seagoing service shall be equivalent to the duration of seagoing service prescribed in Chapters II and III of this Annex.
- special training, including an adequate period of appropriate seagoing service as required by the Administration; or