Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • het neerslaan of bezinken
  • the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • alluvium
  • the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • Holoceen, Alluvium, holoceen
  • the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating





  1. Sedimentation beds
  2. Sedimentation installations
  3. their transfer by sedimentation and ion exchange,
  4. The remaining impurities are used for sedimentation as described in point 6.2.
  5. The remaining impurities are used for sedimentation as described in point 6.2. [1] OJ L 165, 30.4.2004 p. 1; corrected by OJ L 191, 28.5.2004, p. 1.
  6. For this reason, it is recommended to test effluents after any purification treatments (e.g. sedimentation or filtration) during which saprophytic bacterial populations are reduced.
  7. Prior to use, the coarse particles should be removed, e.g. by filtration through a nylon filter with about 100 μm mesh size or with a coarse paper filter, or by sedimentation.
  8. models and parameters used to calculate for the releases their aquatic dispersion, their transfer by sedimentation and ion exchange, their transfer via food chains and to evaluate the maximum exposure levels via the significant exposure pathways,
  9. sediment weight (mg), c = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of terrestrial animal bones in the sediment, d = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of fish bones and scale fragments in the sediment, W = weight of the sample material for the sedimentation (mg)).
  10. sediment weight (mg), c = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of terrestrial animal bone constituents in the sediment, d = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of fish bones and scale fragments in the sediment, f = correction factor for the proportion of bone in the constituents of animal origin in the sample examined, W = weight of the sample material for the sedimentation (mg)).
  11. (S = sediment weight (mg), c = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of terrestrial animal bone constituents in the sediment, d = correction factor (%) for the estimated portion of fish bones and scale fragments in the sediment, f = correction factor for the proportion of bone in the constituents of animal origin in the sample examined, W = weight of the sample material for the sedimentation (mg)).