Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • onafhankelijkheid van de menselijke geest
  • personal independence




  1. Self-sufficiency
  2. Principles of self-sufficiency and proximity
  3. in order to implement the principle of self-sufficiency at Community and national levels, or
  4. Such teams may also contribute to the fulfilling of the self-sufficiency requirements for civil protection modules.
  5. The following elements of self-sufficiency shall apply to the individual civil protection modules as specified in Annex II:
  6. Information on exceptions to the implementation of the principles of proximity, priority for recovery and self-sufficiency (Article 11(3))
  7. Compliance with the self-sufficiency requirements shall be guaranteed by the offering Member State by any of the following:
  8. Information on exceptions to the implementation of the principle of proximity, priority for recovery and self-sufficiency
  9. It is important for the Community as a whole to become self‐sufficient in waste disposal and desirable for Member States individually to aim at such self‐sufficiency.
  10. The principles of proximity and self-sufficiency shall not mean that each Member State has to possess the full range of final recovery facilities within that Member State.
  11. In order to implement the principles of proximity, priority for recovery and self‐sufficiency at Community and national levels in accordance with Directive 2006/12/EC
  12. In order to implement the principles of proximity, priority for recovery and self‐sufficiency at Community and national levels in accordance with Directive 2006/12/EC
  13. Table 1 Information on exceptions to the implementation of the principles of proximity, priority for recovery and self-sufficiency (Article 11(3))
  14. The period for which self-sufficiency must be guaranteed at the onset of the mission may not be shorter than either of the following:
  15. It is therefore necessary to define general requirements for self-sufficiency and, where appropriate, specific requirements that may vary in function of the type of intervention or the type of module concerned.