Betekenis van:
send a message

to send a message
    • give or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally



    1. Somebody wants to send a message.
    2. Tom wanted to send a message.
    3. Do you want to send a message?
    4. I'd like to send a coded message to Tom.
    5. I want to send a message to my friend Tom.
    6. Send me a message or give me a call if you're interested.
    7. Next time I'm at the beach, I'm going to send a message in a bottle.
    8. Today, to send a telegram in the States to anywhere in the world, all you have to do is to give the message over the telephone.
    9. ‘Alteration’, if this is a modification of a previous send message,
    10. Send a distress message via the DSC (digital selective calling) system and Inmarsat-C, as applicable.
    11. in Community waters it shall send a ‘catch on exit’ message specifying the following:
    12. In the case that the IM has received a train composition message send mandatory by the RU, the IM may send:
    13. On each occasion a vessel terminates a fishing trip in Community waters it shall send a ‘catch on exit’ message specifying the following:
    14. On each occasion a vessel commences a fishing trip [1] in Community waters it shall send a ‘catch on entry’ message specifying the following
    15. For this point the IM in charge must send a Train Running Forecast message with a TETA only if this is specified in contract between IM and RU.