Betekenis van:
send back

to send back
  • terugwijzen
  • refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision




  1. Please initial and send back to us.
  2. Should we send back the wrong merchandise?
  3. Please fill in the application form and send it back by November 2nd.
  4. If it is, we will send you back a list of sentences to record.
  5. If you wish, you may pick them up, or we would be glad to send them back to you.
  6. I saw your profile today at and I love it. I would like to know more about you, so please email me back and I will send you some pictures of me.
  7. immediately after system has recovered send a notification that system is back to normal.
  8. Conclude product discontinuation agreements with third parties instructing them to either send back seed or to verify and attest that the seed has been destroyed.
  9. The Commission shall send for discussion significant evaluation reports to the Committee set up pursuant to Article 22(1). These results shall feed back into programme design and resource allocation.
  10. The Commission shall send significant evaluation reports to the committee referred to in Article 26 for discussion. These reports and discussions shall feed back into programme design and resource allocation.
  11. The customs office of exit shall supervise the physical exit of the goods and send back the copy of the administrative accompanying document in accordance with Article 19(4) of Council Directive 92/12/EEC.
  12. At the latest two weeks before the quality audit, the ECB shall provide the manufacturer with a pre-audit questionnaire which it shall complete and send back to the ECB at least one week before the quality audit.
  13. The Commission requests Italy to send back the attached form concerning progress in the recovery procedure, to draw up a list of recipients subject to the recovery order and to indicate clearly what specific steps have been taken to ensure an immediate and effective recovery of the aid.
  14. No later than the end of the first six months of 2006, the authorities responsible for issuing import licences shall send the Commission, by telex or fax, a complete list of quantities not taken up as endorsed on the back of the import licences, the name of the cargo vessel and the numbers of the export certificates in question.
  15. No later than the end of the first six months of 2008, the authorities responsible for issuing import licences shall send the Commission, by electronic means, under the conditions referred to in paragraph 1, a complete list of quantities not taken up as endorsed on the back of the import licences, the name of the cargo vessel, the number of the contract for transport to the European Community and the numbers of the export certificates in question.