Betekenis van:
serve well

to serve well
    • promote, benefit, or be useful or beneficial to




    serve well


    1. Learning Klingon will serve him well in his business career.
    2. I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout.
    3. They serve primarily to check the performance of a method from time to time as well as to allow comparison between results of different methods.
    4. give prior notice to the DPO of any processing operation or set of such operations intended to serve a single purpose or several related purposes, as well as of any substantial change of an existing processing operation.
    5. In particular, the controllers shall: (a) give prior notice to the DPO of any processing operation or set of such operations intended to serve a single purpose or several related purposes, as well as of any substantial change of an existing processing operation.
    6. The product concerned and the penta produced and sold on the domestic market of the countries concerned, and on the domestic market of Japan, which was initially considered to serve as analogue country, as well as the penta produced and sold in the Community by the Community industry were found to have the same basic chemical and physical characteristics and uses.
    7. The Commission acknowledges that HTST may well have particular characteristics and be of a high quality. It has to be established, however, whether or not a separate market exists for premium malt (which HSTS malt would serve) alongside a market for regular malt.
    8. Other services such as utility services, engineering and scientific support services, computer services as well as some administrative and personnel-related services, like training, should be looked at on a case by case basis. They should be included if they exclusively serve the nuclear core on the site.
    9. The European Corporate Governance Forum should serve as a body for exchange of information and best practices existing in Member States in order to enhance the convergence of national codes of corporate governance as well as a body for reflection, debate and advice to the Commission in the field of corporate governance.
    10. Indeed, such measures would only serve to partially compensate a structural disadvantage suffered by Tieliikelaitos due to the overstaffing problem and costly employment conditions inherited from pre-liberalisation time as well as due to the ban imposed by the Finnish Parliament to lay off the employees during the transitional period.
    11. The export price of gas from Russia to Ukraine could therefore not serve as a proper basis for comparison to determine whether the gas prices paid by the Ukrainian exporters reflected the cost associated with the production and sale of the gas purchased, since this export price may well have been influenced by the barter trade agreement.
    12. It was examined to what extent data from the one cooperating Ukrainian group could be used for the purpose of analysing the overall development of likely exports from Ukraine as well as, more specifically, to serve as a benchmark in terms of indicators of domestic and export prices, costs, production capacities and capacity utilisation.
    13. These developments were accomplished in order better to serve the needs of the users of statistical data at the Community level as well as at Member State level enabling proper interpretation of macroeconomic developments and assessment of the competitiveness of the EU and the Member States.
    14. In this context, the Commission considers that a Standards Advice Review Group composed of independent experts and high level representatives from National Standard Setters should therefore be established to serve as a body to reflect on the endorsement advice submitted by the EFRAG with a view to assessing whether its content is well-balanced and objective,
    15. It was examined to what extent data from the one cooperating Thai producer could be used for the purpose of analysing the overall situation pertaining to the likely development of exports from Thailand as well as, more specifically, to serve as a benchmark in terms of indicators of domestic and export prices, costs, production capacities and capacity utilisation.