Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • large in amount or extent or degree


    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • fairly large



      1. He won a sizeable amount of money.
      2. Sizeable withdrawals may be seasonally determined.
      3. consolidate the number of municipalities and local councils, inducing sizeable expenditure savings;
      4. Sweden continued enjoying sizeable current account surpluses (6,2 % of GDP) in 2008.
      5. However, the most urgent challenge remains reducing the sizeable macroeconomic imbalances.
      6. On each of these markets, it will face competitors with sizeable market shares and reputable brands.
      7. Moreover, for the 2004/2005 marketing year, a sizeable crop is anticipated.
      8. there are frequent and sizeable revisions of the deficit or debt that are not clearly and adequately explained;
      9. The merged entity of SEB and Moulinex will face competitors with sizeable market shares (between [15 and 20] % at most) and having reputable brands.
      10. Sweden ran a budget surplus of 2,3 % of GDP in 2008. Sweden continued enjoying sizeable current account surpluses (6,2 % of GDP) in 2008.
      11. It is the market leader here. On each of these markets, it will face competitors with sizeable market shares and reputable brands.
      12. Furthermore, private banks continue to grant sizeable amounts of short-term credit to the ABX group without comfort letter or public guarantee.
      13. In addition, increases in taxes on cigarettes preceded by sizeable pre-stocking with cigarettes at various stages of the distribution chain led to sizeable shifts in tax revenue resulting in extra tax revenue in 2003, 2005 and 2007 followed by equivalent revenue shortfalls in the subsequent years,
      14. Given the continued sizeable negative output gap projected up to 2005, and in order to maintain the momentum of budgetary consolidation, recourse to further temporary measures is acceptable in the short-term.
      15. The Commission therefore feels that this meets the condition that aid must be limited to the minimum and that the firm has to make a sizeable contribution to its restructuring costs from its own resources.