Betekenis van:
sleep out

to sleep out
    • work in a house where one does not live





    1. Can I sleep out?
    2. Tom drifted in and out of sleep.
    3. I can't sleep when I'm stressed out.
    4. Please turn out the light so that I can sleep.
    5. Please put out the light before you go to sleep.
    6. A beam of light through the window woke the professor up out of a deep sleep.
    7. Put out the light so that you can get a good sleep.
    8. All of a sudden, I was shaken out of my sleep by someone.
    9. I want to point out that I am open to ideas for improvement, but first will sleep it off.
    10. When I woke up today, I yawned, stretched, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and put on a pair of slippers.