Betekenis van:
smooth over

to smooth over
    • treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly




    1. She smiled to smooth things over.
    2. It certainly feels smooth when you run the shaver over your skin.
    3. To ensure a smooth transition these changes should be introduced over time.
    4. Ensure smooth spending across the financial year and the ‘carry-over’ principle for unspent funds.
    5. ensure a smooth and timely hand-over to the Secretary-General of the Regional Cooperation Council and the closing down of remaining administrative operations of the Stability Pact.
    6. Reinforcing bars are a long hot-rolled steel product in coils or bars of 5 mm and over, with a smooth, crenellated or ribbed surface, used to reinforce concrete.
    7. The last part of the track, for at least 5 m before the barrier, shall be horizontal (slope less than 3 % measured over a length of one metre), flat and smooth.
    8. In order to provide a smooth running environment for the daily operation among all connected Member States, it is necessary to establish a testing environment over the closed network for new Member States which prepare to join the operations.
    9. The VIS Mail operations shall start in Phase 1 with business processes developed taking into account the technical solution of VISION to ensure a smooth switch-over between Phases 1 and 2 when VIS Mail will replace VISION.
    10. Since these alternative platforms have greater transmission capacity, it even appears that they are more suitable for achieving a quick and smooth switch-over process and ensuring pluralism through a broad range of broadcasting channels.
    11. In order to ensure the smooth continuation of cooperation measures, the European Commission reserves the right, if necessary, to take over the duties of the EDF National Authorising Officer, in full or in part, on its own account.
    12. The analysis conducted in the light of Article 87(3)(c) has identified two potential market failures specific to the digital switch-over of the terrestrial broadcasting platform: coordination problems between the different market players in achieving a smooth switch-over process and positive externalities associated with the freeing-up of frequency spectrum.
    13. It should be ensured that the transition between the two systems is as smooth as possible. For this purpose, certain of the detailed rules of application of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2125/95 should be carried over and the traditional import calendars should be maintained.
    14. Further to the conclusions of the Stability Pact’s Regional Table held in Zagreb on 10 May 2007, the south-east European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Ministerial and Summit meetings held on 10 and 11 May 2007, as well as the Council Conclusions of May 2007 calling upon the Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact, the new Secretary-General and the Bulgarian SEECP Chairmanship in Office to ensure a smooth and timely final hand-over from the Stability Pact to the new structures, this mandate includes a special emphasis on the requirements of the transition to regional ownership and the need to ensure a smooth and timely hand-over to the Secretary-General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) until the end of the mandate.
    15. Averaging provision: a provision allowing counterparties to fulfil their reserve requirements on the basis of their average reserve holdings over the maintenance period. The averaging provision contributes to the stabilisation of money market interest rates by giving institutions an incentive to smooth the effects of temporary liquidity fluctuations. The Eurosystem’s minimum reserve system provides for averaging. Bilateral procedure: a procedure whereby the central bank deals directly with only one or a few counterparties, without making use of tender procedures.