Betekenis van:
- The compensation system is thus clearly intended to soften the impact of a shortfall on affecting the spirits distribution monopoly and hence DKV as well.
- In the Statement of Objections the Commission had based its concerns further on the finding that, in addition to the non-coordinated effects, the two remaining players would be in a position to further soften competition by coordinating their competitive behaviour.
- ‘That is why no arrangements to soften the blow have been made under national law to confront a situation of default on the part of the commune’; ‘The State cannot offload its obligation to implement judicial decisions by invoking the absence of funds or the autonomy of regional or local authorities — an autonomy that it has not been able to guarantee to date, since the commune is in no position to pay its debts.
- ‘That is why no arrangements to soften the blow have been made under national law to confront a situation of default on the part of the commune’; ‘The State cannot offload its obligation to implement judicial decisions by invoking the absence of funds or the autonomy of regional or local authorities — an autonomy that it has not been able to guarantee to date, since the commune is in no position to pay its debts. The applicants therefore denounce the State’s incapacity to adopt positive measures that would have enabled the commune to contribute in accordance with its obligation’.